Note: **I actually typed this on Friday night, but didn't get a chance to post as I could not find the pics I wanted to use :)
the busy and possibly, crazy at times, life of amy, brian & connelly
Note: **I actually typed this on Friday night, but didn't get a chance to post as I could not find the pics I wanted to use :)
So onto our day. Matt's uncle and aunt had us to their motel for lunch. We went there and then loaded up the 4-wheelers and boats to finally get out fishing (after all what else is there to do in Canada). So after an hour or more drive on the 4-wheelers in the middle of no where, we arrive at the lake. Threw the boats in and off we went. The best fishing was definitely on Friday. We caught many walleye and some bass and northern. It was COLD and windy and rainy out on the lake, but we survived. We ended up on shore and started a fire and cleaned the fish. Then it was back in the boats, back to shore and then back on the 4-wheelers to head back to the cabin. When we got back (almost after 10) we cleaned the fish more and started to cook dinner. We had a feast and finally at about 11:30, then it was off to bed for another busy day of paving and fishing.
Saturday we started our day with a delicious breakfast of pancakes and eggs. Then we went fishing on the lake right by the cabin. Then we went to the motel and spent time with Matt's aunt while the boys worked on the patio. We cooked up a shore lunch after they guys worked for awhile and then headed back to the lake for some evening fishing. Jenni and I decided to go in the Sauna while the boys fished more. Brian caught some really big bass and we could not resist taking the classic picture. ** please note that is was only about 32 degrees outside, so it was freezing. I almost wish there was snow on the ground to make the photo more appropriate!!! We then roasted marshmallows over the fire in the cabin, had some drinks and made smores and got ready for our last day of fishing on Sunday.
Sunday was fun as both Matt's aunt and uncle came out fishing with us. Again, we loaded up the 4-wheelers and boats and off we went. Fishing was not as good, but at least the sun was shining a little bit. We fished for awhile and then had a bonfire on the shore and made brats and smores again. Then we headed back to "camp" The boys went to finish up the walk and we cleaned up the cabin and packed and met everyone back at the motel. We finally hit the road about 5:30 Sunday night to head back home after a very fun 3 days in Canada! On the drive we saw a sign for some waterfalls and made Matt stop, despite the fact he was hungry and just wanted to drive and find food, but thank goodness we whined enough because this is what we saw (see below!) There will be many stories and memories to hold onto. Especially the moose that Matt saw, but didn't take a picture. We are hoping to go back this summer or early fall to enjoy some more fishing!!!!!!