Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am so excited for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving is probably my most favorite holiday, besides the 4th of July (being on the boat).  It is a time of reflection of the year, good food and time with family and friends.

This year there is so much to be thankful for:
1. My wonderful husband. I am so happy to be married to the best man in the world (besides my dad's and grandpa's). He is my best friend, my soul mate and the one I am so blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with!

2. My Parents. My parents have been such a solid example of love and marriage. They have supported me in life and have welcomed Brian into the family as their own son.

3. My sister, Scott and Logan. I really don't know what I would do without my sister. She is my mentor, my confidant and my best friend!  I am so lucky to have her in my life, that she lives so close and that she has a great husband and a wonderful son! 

4. My in-laws.  I know some people don't like their in-laws very much, but I am so very lucky to have wonderful in-laws. They have accepted me as their own daughter and I am so happy to be a part of the family, and with that I gain 6 more sisters/sister in law, a brother and two great nephews (and a 3rd on the way!!!)

5. My career: without my career, i would not be able to provide for Brian and I, our home. Blessings to having a wonderful job, shelter, food and clothing.

6. My puppy!  Connelly is a great dog, even if he is getting old and angry - the house would not be the same with out him.

7. My Friends: I am so blessed to have such AMAZING friends.  I am hoping to spend some time with many of the during the holidays this year.

8. Health: Thank goodness for good health, not only my self, but family and friends.

This Thanksgiving holiday will be filled with fun!  Tonight it is off to the WILD game (our first one of the season), Turkey Day in Jordan on Thursday, Shopping on Friday, decorating the house and cooking food on Saturday, Turkey day at the Gregoire's on Sunday!!!!

Here's wishing that everyone has a safe and very happy holiday weekend!!!
Figured I would throw a pic up from the wedding :)