UnitedHealth Group was actually one of the major sponsors for the event, which meant we had activities starting on Thursday the 8th thru Saturday the 10th. Thursday was a kick-off meeting for a number of the recruiters, sourcers and leaders who would be participating in the event. I was quit excited to see Rosie, who is my colleague that lives in CT. We started on the same day and on the same team back in February of 2008 and from the first time on the phone together we hit if off. It was wonderful to spend time with her during the three days she was here and I really wish we lived closer. After our kick off meeting we attended a Finance Seminar that was put on by leaders at UHG. It was a very interesting seminar talking alot about Health Care Reform. UnitedHealth Group has been at the table in many discussions for the reform, it is a very sensitive subject, one that all Americans should be a part of. Check out our website to learn more: http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/main/generalcontent.aspx?id=997ff2df-71cc-4d13-a8df-87f55588f03d
After the seminar, I headed home to work for the rest of the day and then I was back downtown by 6:30 for our networking reception. This was a part of the evening for the candidates to come network with the companies they were going to meet/interview with the next day. This event went until 9:00 pm and then there was a salsa band and fun event sponsored by Deloitte(www.deloitte.com). We checked it out for a bit and we had some co-workers that rocked the salsa on the dance floor. I, on the other hand, didn't do too hot :) After that it was time to head home for a busy Friday.
Friday came quick. I was back downtown by 7:30 am and the conference started at 9:00. The doors actually opened at 8:50 and it was a flood of candidates rushing to get their resume and introductions done right away. Going into this event, I knew there was not going to be a lot of Clinical candidates, so I helped direct people to the right recruiters in our booth. The event closed down from 12-2 pm for a Siesta and I ran to lunch with Rosie and my friend Erin who works at Target. Since I was down town i needed to make the most of my visit. We had lunch at Vincent A Restaurant (www.vincentarestaurant.com) which is one of my most favorite places for lunch, it is also where Erin and Mike had their wedding reception! After lunch it was back to the conference til 6. Then a few of us went to Nami for dinner (www.namiminneapolis.com) Nami is a sushi restaurant, again one of my favs! We went to go grab a cab as it was a bit too cold and far to walk considering we had to be back at 8. We ended up piling 5 people into a town car and off we went. The driver was interesting to say the least and as Ouraphone put it, "and the white girl" in the car :) We gave the driver strict instructions to pick us back up at 7:45 and he was right on time. Our evening event was VIP cocktail reception from 8-9 with live music, food and drinks and then from 9-11 it was open for all candidates that came to our booth. We had many leaders from our company come by too. It was a fun but very long day. I got home by about 12 am and jumped right into bed. Brian was headed hunting in the morning so the alarm went off at 4:15 and I could not fall back asleep. I met the girls downtown at 7:30 for a quick breakfast at Hell's Kitchen (www.hellskitcheninc.com) and then it was off to the convention for the last day!!! After the convention was over we went to the Independent in Uptown for dinner and a much deserved cocktail. I was finally home about 11:30 Saturday night and fell fast asleep.
It was great to meet some of my peers that I never work with daily, I ran into some old colleagues and we are going to get a good amount of hires out of the convention, so in the end, it was definitely worth it! See you in Chicago in 2010!!!

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